Saturday, August 8, 2009

Freedom Run

I'm back, and I'm happy! I was visinting my cousins (Gracia and Anna Marie) at their home in the middle of nowhere!!! Not really, they live really close to a popular amusement park in an two hour radius from me.

Day one
Arrive at "Camp Freedom" in the afternoon and go to dinner at one of their friends' homes. They're Menonites and most Menonites make good food. These guys made the BEST FOOD EVER! Haha...
After dinner came a few games off wiffle ball, which was awesome because my team was great. Except Joe kept hitting foul balls.
After that, it began to get dark, so I suggested a game of "Lurking Turkey". This game is SOOO fun to play in the dark. It's a twist on hide-and-seek, WITH TURKEY NOISES!!! It was so funny to the adults that were around because whoever was it had to yell "Calling All Turkeys!!!" and everyone else had to gobble wherever they were...yepp....good times.

Day two
Mount "G", we'll call it. It's this place with a lake-ish pondy thing and you swim...not sure how to explain it. I got the most horrible sunburn on my back. Thankfully it's almost gone now. And then we went to a certain "J-Shop" for ice cream. Yummy!!!! AND JOE DIDN'T GET TO FINISH MY ICE CREAM FOR ME THIS TIME!!!!!!!

Day three
"H-Park" was great! We played the turkey game on th "B-walk" and it was reallly awesome. My brother and Joe got FRONT SEATS on a really new rollercoaster there. The one that took 45 minutes for us to get up to the seats. Yeah....that's the one.

Day four
Joe and Josh left us to go on a camping adventure. Fun......
The rest of us were left to enjoy the peace and quiet (haha jkjkjk).

Day five
I helped Anna Marie bake for a bakesale! That was fun...

"Yes Gretchen, we all know you're a mother hen."

Day six
Blasting contemporary Christian music with the bass turned up all the way on the way home from bowling and a buffet restraunt was the highlight!

Day seven
"Parting is such sweet sorrow..........."

And so ended the well antcipated trip.
The next day was sword-fighting madness with some friends. And no one's lip was cut this time!

And so life has been good.

And now I have band camp.

And I'm not good at marching.

And so you must pity me.

And so I bid adieu!


  1. Greaaaat, a detailed description of all the fun I missed out on. Hehehehe... I, er, played dead man on my cousins' trampoline and ate steak. That's cool... right?


    (PS- You're right! Why is it that the Mennonites all cook amazingly!? lol)

  2. Hey! I played "Dead Man" with my cousins on their trampoline, too! That's a bit scary...
