Friday, December 18, 2009


I'm sorry I've been pretty MIA lately, but since high school started, Facebook has become my higher priority. Lately I've been in the mood to write but haven't had a chance. Between history speeches and English writing, I've had very little extra time. Spending more time with friends has been another relatively new thing for me. I never used to be able to call and ask if anyone wanted to drive over and hang out, but this ear has been completely different. I suppose it's because I'm getting older now, and so I'm just beginning to get used to it. I've finally begun reading the Harry Potter series. The first four have been building up nicely, and the fifth is soon to be added to the "Books Already Read" pile. There's been a bit of controversy over the series, though. My family is Catholic. Before we began reading the books, my mother read to us the section on witchcraft from the Catechism. It warned us of the mistreatment of supernatural things. I was wary while reading the first few, trying not to pollute my mind or anything. Soon those fears wore away, but I've decided to be very careful. Books can grow on people sometimes. Narnia had a very strange effect on me. I always was pining away and giving every thought to anything that reminded me of Narnia. I love Narnia just as much now, but I am certainly no longer obsessed. My mum and I were discussing this not too long ago. I was asking why she didn't mind that I liked Narnia so much, but whenever Harry Potter comes up, she gets upset and kindly begs us to shut up and find a different topic. She doesn't like Harry Potter. I believe she's become sort of bitter about it. I think it's because she's making sure she's not dragged into the "WWHD?" (What would Harry do?) mindset. Sometimes people replace the One who truly matters in the end with a temporary, fictitious character. Harry is casually breaks school rules (oh, horrors), which are amusing. This is obviously not a huge deal, but it's been the only real thing that was strange for me...kind of juvenile. J.K. Rowling leads us to believe he is the protagonist, but we should be careful not to make him the most important thing to us. I guess all I want to say is that Harry Potter is very much different from Narnia. Narnia points us to God. Harry Potter....doesn't.



  1. Thou shoult writeth more on thee's blog, commandeth thou's comrade in the land of Narnia. :)
