Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I was the LION!!!!!!

I don't think this fits as a wallpaper, but this was all I had time to accomplish today....sadly. I NEED TO WRITE MORE YELLOW ROSE!!!!! AAAAAAAAACKK!!!!! notimenotime....school's over this Friday, so that's good. Maybe then I'll actually have a portion of time.


  1. GUESS WHAT!!?? I survived last night!!! God is good! I missss youuuu... I'll see you Sunday, right? That is, if I live through Saturday, a.k.a. longest day of my life. Off topic! Loved the picture. Bye!

  2. Ok...what's Saturday night???
    I'M DEFINATELY (i can't spelllll) COMING TO YOUR PARTAY!!!!

    "Huzzah!!!! An adventure!!!!!"
    ~Prince Corin, TEA

  3. Oh, huzzah! I cannot wait to see you there. Please say a prayer for me that Fed Ex will be on my side (don't ask)!

  4. That is really cool. It could be an illisutration for The Horse and His Boy.
