Thursday, October 8, 2009

One Line....Thursdays?

So Auntie Kate's One Line Wednesdays won't work for me.
I'm too busy on Wednesdays.
But Happy Thursday!!!!!!!!!

One Line for the day:

"Each nightmare can be turned around: a smile through your tears, the sun in the rain: it'll all come back again."


  1. Hey :)
    I just found your blog.. it's pretty!:) We're studying Narnia in enlgish this term... it's a pretty awesome movie... actually, I think I did a post on it a couple of months ago! :D


  2. Hullo, Emii! I'm glad you like my blog, though it's still in progress. If you can't tell, I'm a huge fan of Narnia and I try to apply it to everyday life, but sometimes inspiration is lacking *sigh*. I hope you enjoy your english class!
